App User Guide


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UIG Toolbox Meetings App (Version 1.0.7) Basic User Guide.

This basic user guide will assist foreman in using all features available within the App. The following is presented in general order of use with miscellaneous functions explained at the end.


1.1 Report Recipients:

Enter a name and email address for any person whom you want to receive full meeting reports for all meetings you conduct. This is often your immediate supervisor, safety manager or HR Officer.

1.1.1 Report Recipients Location Reporting:

By default, any person’s details entered into ‘Report Recipients’ will receive a report for every meeting conducted. However, you may wish to have an additional person who only receives reports from a particular site or sites. This is useful if a prime contractor insists on meeting reports being sent through for meetings conducted on their sites. When entering report recipient details, you can tick ‘Notify recipient for meetings run at any location’ or you can untick this check-box and then tick the required check-box locations.

1.2 Attendee List:

Here you can add the names and email addresses of people (either employees or subcontractors) that will be attending your Toolbox Meetings. Names are matched against and auto-populated from your device’s contacts list if matches are found. Note: for premium users, the system administrator can pre-populate attendees for you, however, you can always add additional attendees.

1.3 My Details:

This is where you enter your own details. For premium users, the email entered into the App must be an exact match to the email address used by the administrator for your account. If you mis-spell your email address, you will not receive your meeting reports and you will not be able to upgrade your App to premium.

1.4 Organisation:

If you are part of a larger organisation using the Toolbox Meetings App, you will be sent an organisation invitation email that will contain a unique code. This is where you enter the code to link your App to the organisation.

1.5 Only Upload Files on WiFi:

This setting, when checked, will only allow the App to upload meeting data (audio recording, group photo, signature files etc) over WiFi. For those users who do not want to use cellular data to upload files, this setting should be checked, however, if a WiFi network is not present, files will not upload.

1.6 Support:

Under rare circumstances, there may be need to request assistance from UIG SafeWorkApps in relation to the correct operation of the Toolbox Meetings App. Support staff may ask for you to send through a device log file. This can be done by tapping ‘Support’ from the ‘Settings’ page and then tapping the ‘Send Log’ button in the top right-hand corner. When completed, you will see a “Log sent to server” dialogue appear. Tap ‘OK’ and then tap ‘Back’.


2.1 Select and review previous meetings:

Tap ‘Review previous Meeting’ and a list of all meetings you have previously conducted will be displayed (regardless of device used when using premium version). Tapping any meeting will allow you to review all aspects of the previously conducted meeting.

2.2 Swipe to clear files (Premium Only):

At any time when in the ‘Previous meetings’ section, you can swipe across the screen from left to right. This will bring up an option next to each meeting to ‘Delete Files’. Deleting files allows the user to free up space on the device consumed by the Toolbox Meetings App files. When a meeting’s files are deleted, the meeting is still available for review (the files will be downloaded again for local review and this requires an active internet connection) and thus stays in the ‘Previous Meetings’ list.


3.1 To begin:

Ensure you are in the main ‘Toolbox Meeting’ screen. If you are in ‘Settings’, click ‘Back’.

3.1.1 Select or review topic:

Within this section (Premium users only) you can select a Category (free version has default category only) – all topics within that category will then be presented.

  • Preview Topic: This is the option to ‘preview’ a topic before selecting it.
  • Select Topic: Tap the Topic you wish to select for the meeting. Once you have tapped the required topic, the screen will update to the ‘Start New Meeting’ screen with your selected Topic highlighted.

3.1.2 Select Meeting Location:

You have the option to select a previously used location or you can enter details for a new location:

  • Select previous known locations: A list of all previous meeting locations will be presented within this section. An existing location can be edited if required via tapping the ‘Edit’ button. Tap ‘OK’ when completed.
  • Add new location: Enter a title for the new location and enter the site’s address. You can also tap the ‘Get Current Address’ button to update the address details automatically (if GPS is available). Tap ‘Done’ when finished.

3.1.3 Select Attendees:

Tick the attendees who are present for the meeting and tap ‘Done’ when completed.

3.2 Start Meeting:

  • Tap ‘Start Meeting’ to commence the meeting.
  • The topic text will appear – scroll down to see the remainder of the topic text.

3.2.1 The following icons will appear at the bottom of the screen:

  • Microphone Operational (bottom left): This icon simply shows that the microphone is operational and that the audio of the meeting is being recorded.
  • Audio recording timer: This shows how long the audio has been recorded for.
  • Remove Attendee (minus sign): Used when someone leaves early – if an attendee needs to leave early, use this button to remove them from the meeting – the list of attendees currently in the meeting will appear – tick the attendee who has left. Confirm when finished. The meeting report will include the time they left.
  • Add Attendee (plus sign): used when someone arrives late – if an attendee arrives late, use this button to add them to the meeting – the list of attendees currently NOT at the meeting will appear – tick the attendee who has arrived. Confirm when finished. The meeting report will include the time they arrived.

3.2.2 Review and discussion:

This is the question and answers section and is used to ask the attendees questions to ensure as to whether information has been retained. Scroll down to see the remainder of the review section text.

3.2.3 Current site and safety issues:

This section is used to document any site related safety issues. These issues will reappear in each meeting at this location until they are rectified:

  • Add an issue: complete the required fields to populate the ‘Issue’, the ‘Location on site’, who the issue was ‘Raised by’ and ‘Who’s responsible’ for the issue.
  • Previous issues at this site: Previous issues can be reviewed by tapping on their heading. Previous issues can be updated as having been addressed by ticking the ‘Issue has been rectified’ check-box.

3.3 Finish Meeting:

Tap ‘Next: Finish Meeting’ to finalise the meeting – at this point the audio recording ceases.

3.3.1 The ‘Take Group Photo’ (this MUST be taken) button will appear:

Tap ‘Take Group Photo’ to take a photo of all attendees at the end of the meeting (this aids in proving who was actually in attendance at the meeting).

3.3.2 Signatures:

At the end of the meeting, the foreman and all attendees must sign the device declaring that they were present at the meeting:

  • Each attendee’s name will appear under ‘Signatures’.
  • All attendees must sign at the end of the meeting. Each attendee must select their name and then tap ‘I agree’ before signing the device.
  • As the foreman, if an attendee has left before signing, you can select their name and tap ‘xxxx Left & Can’t Sign’.
  • View signatures (optional – can be used for authentication before completion). You have the option to review all signatures by tapping ‘Show Signed’. If a signature needs to be recaptured, it can be done at this point.
  • Tap ‘Save & Close Meeting’.

3.4 Meeting has been completed:

  • The App will notify when files have uploaded – this may take some time depending on the size of the files and the speed of the network being used. Its important to not shut down the App at this point, but rather leave it running.
  • View Meeting: Tap this button to review the meeting you have just conducted.
  • Return to main menu: Tap this button to return to the main menu.


4.1 Diagnostics:

The system undertakes background diagnostics to ensure consistent and reliable operation. Depending upon the result of various diagnostic operations, you may occasionally see diagnostic related dialogue boxes.

4.1.1 On start-up system check:

Each time the App starts, if there is any technical issue as to why the App cannot run correctly, this information will be displayed as a warning. Examples are permissions being denied for camera or microphone. Any missing or denied technical component will be displayed upon start-up, along with a link to settings, so that the issue/s can be rectified before the meeting begins.

4.1.2 On start-up unsynchronised files:

Each time the App starts, if previous meetings have not yet been uploaded, the App will inform the foreman of this fact and suggest possible reasons as to why along with relevant rectifications.

4.2 ’Save For Manual Export’ Button (Premium Users Only):

The ‘Save for Manual Export’ button was added to the App as part of the version 1.0.6 upgrade. This button writes a HTML file to each meeting directory as a summary. It is used in two scenarios:

  • The App or the device has become corrupted. In this scenario, the App needs to be reinstalled and/or the device defaulted – there are still meetings on the device that have not yet uploaded. In order to not lose this meeting data, the ‘Save for Manual Export’ button is used.
  • Meeting data is urgently required but an internet connection is not present. An example of this scenario is as follows: a Safety Regulator Officer demands meeting notes be provided immediately, however, there is currently no internet access.

In both cases the ‘Save for Manual Export’ button will allow meeting data to be exported to a laptop or PC. Note: this is raw data and is not in the same format as the email reports or the portal.

4.2.1 ’Save For Manual Export’ Button iOS File extraction:

  • Step 1: From within the App, select the ‘Review Previous Meetings’ option.
  • Step 2: Tap the ‘Save for Manual Export’ button.
  • Step 3: Connect your device — iPhone or iPad —  to a laptop or PC running iTunes and click on your device’s icon to see your settings.
  • Step 4: Click ‘Apps’.
  • Step 5: Click ‘Toolbox Meeting App’.
  • Step 6 & 7: Click the folder called ‘UIGToolboxMeetings’ and then click ‘Save To’.
  • Step 8: To set the save-to location, either select a folder from the list on the left hand side, or, type a folder’s name into the folder bar at the bottom of the screen, then click ‘Select Folder’.
  • Step 9: Click ‘Done’. The Toolbox Meeting files will now be saved to your nominated location.

4.2.2 ’Save For Manual Export’ Button Android File extraction:

  • Step 1: From within the App, select the ‘Review Previous Meetings’ option.
  • Step 2: Tap the ‘Save for Manual Export’ button.
  • Step 3: Once the procedure is complete, you will see the following message “All your meeting data is available on your internal storage under ‘UIGToolboxMeetings’”.
  • Step 4: Using a browser or file explorer, navigate to your phone, then your phone’s internal storage and then to the folder ‘UIGToolboxMeetings’. Each meeting will be contained within a folder of its own.

4.3 iOS Permissions:

Foremen using iOS devices should ensure that permissions are not modified or changed, particularly permissions for camera, microphone and GPS. In addition, Foremen using iOS devices should also ensure that there are no device restrictions in place. This can be checked by navigating to:

  • Settings ==> General ==> Restrictions.
  • This should be set to ‘allow changes’.