Admin Quick Guides


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Points to remember:

  1. Topics MUST be allocated to a Category if they are to be used (if not, they will not be visible to the Foremen).

  2. Categories must be allocated to Foremen (otherwise they will not display on the Foremen’s device).

  3. When creating a new unique Topic for your Organisation, ensure that a Category is HIGHLIGHTED before saving the Topic (all Topics MUST be allocated to a Category).

  4. Foreman details cannot be edited once created. If a Foreman’s details need to be changed (i.e. new email address), the Foreman’s Licence needs to be revoked and then reallocated to the new (correct) Foreman record.

  5. Additional Full Meeting Recipients: up until the August 2016 upgrade, the email address of those who receive the full Meeting Report is entered via the Foreman on their device only, it could not be administered via the Web Portal. As per this upgrade, additional Full Meeting Recipients can now be entered via the Administrator using the Web Portal.

  6. Location Based Additional Full Meeting Recipients: The Foreman has the ability to send full Meeting reports to recipients on a site by site basis. For example: sending the full Meeting Report to a CLIENT’S safety officer whenever conducting a Meeting on a particular site operated by that particular CLIENT via a check-box on their device – it cannot be administered via the Web Portal.



How do I allocate a topic category to a foreman?:

Background: As well at the generic Toolbox Meeting Topics which are included within the Premium version of the UIG Toolbox Meeting App, there is also the option for an Organisation to create its own Topics and set the order of presentation for these Topics within Topic Categories. A Foreman needs to be allocated to a Topic Category in order to be able to see the Topics contained within.

Example: the Organisation has four Topic Categories being the generic UIG Topics plus Plumbing, Manual Handling and Environment. The Administrator needs to allocate ‘Manual Handling’ to Foreman ‘Len’.

Method: A Topic Category needs to be assigned to a Foreman.

This procedure requires 4 steps.

Step 1: Click the Foremen link.

Step 2: Click View next to the Foreman you wish to modify.

Step 3: Highlight the Category you wish to assign from within the Categories drop-down list.

Step 4: Click Save Changes.

Result: You have now added another Category to this Foreman.



How can I create an urgent topic?:

Background: In certain circumstances it may be necessary to ensure that all Foremen complete a particular Toolbox Meeting Topic the next time they use the UIG Toolbox Meeting App. This could be due to (amongst other reasons) introduction of new equipment, ensuring that all employees have been briefed about a particular Topic within the last 12 months, or, in response to an incident whereby the Organisation wants to ensure that all employees are aware and conscious of correct operating procedure.

Example: Management have noticed an increased incidence across the industry of incorrect ladder handling incidents. In order to ensure that this does not manifest itself within the Organisation, it has been decided that all Foremen will conduct the ‘Safe Ladder Handling’ Toolbox Meeting Topic next time they conduct a Toolbox Meeting.

Method: You need to modify the ‘Is Urgent’ value of a particular Topic.

This procedure required 4 steps.

Step 1: Click the Topics link.

Step 2: Click Edit next to the Topic you wish to invoke as ‘Urgent’.

Step 3: Check Is Urgent.

Step 4: Click Save.

Result: You have now prioritised an existing Topic to ‘Urgent’ status. Any Foremen who has this Topic within an assigned Category will have no choice but to run that particular Topic when they next use the App.

Foremen who do not have the Category that contains the urgent Topic will not see any change.

In order to ensure that all Foremen receive the same Urgent Topics at the same time in an Organisation that uses many segmented Categories, consideration should be given to the creation of an ‘Urgent’ Category for all Foremen. This way, any existing Topic can be edited to be assigned to the Urgent Category and then can be checked for ‘Is Urgent’.



How do I download a meeting?:

Background: As an Administrator, you may be required to download Meeting data from the UIG Web Portal. This may be a regular procedure, or perhaps a procedure that only needs to be done from time to time, eg: after a safety related event. Regardless, you require a single file that contains all information relating to a particular Meeting, either to be stored on your Organisation’s servers/cloud storage or to be emailed/drop-boxed to another person or authority.

Example: Administrator ‘Mary’ has been asked by the General Manager to email through the last Meeting conducted by Foreman ‘Steve’. The General Manager, who does not have Web Portal Access, wishes to personally review the last Meeting conducted by ‘Steve’.

Method: You need to find the Meeting you wish to download and then click the ‘Download’ button next to the Meeting.

This procedure requires 5 steps.

Step 1: Click the Meetings link.

Step 2: From the list of completed Meetings, find the Meeting you wish to download. You may need to use the Search option (View Search Options) in order to narrow down the search.

Step 3: Click Download situated next to the Meeting you wish to download.

Step 4. The Meeting will download as .zip file.

Step 5. Open the .zip file and check that all contents are present.

Result: You have selected an downloaded a Meeting in .zip format which you can open and review, save to your organisation’s storage or email/dropbox to another person or entity.



Why should I segregate Topics and how is this done?

Background: Meeting Topics can be segregated into Topic Categories or they can all be kept in the same Topic Category. The issue of keeping all Topics in the same Topic Category is one of usability – imagine a Foreman having to scroll through 300 Topics just to find the one he needs. It makes better sense to ‘group’ the Topics into logical Topic Categories (such as trade disciplines, geographical locations, tasks being undertaken etc.) which makes it easier for the Foremen to locate the Topics they are looking for.

Example: The Administrator of a plumbing company wants to organise the company’s unique Topics into the Topic Categories of Plumbing (General), Manual Handling and Environment. These Topic Categories will make it easier for a Foreman to find a Topic depending upon whether he wants to discuss ‘trade related’ Topics, ‘how people work’ related Topics or ‘where people work’ related Topics.

Method: Topics are segregated by assigning them to a Topic Category.

This procedure requires 3 steps.

Step 1: Click the Topics link.

Step 2: Click Edit next to the Topic you wish to assign.

Step 3: Highlight the Category from the drop-down-list you wish to assign to and click Save.

Result: You have now allocated the Topic to a Topic Category.

Note: a Topic can belong to more than one Category by using the CTRL key left mouse button simultaneously to select multiple Categories.