Screen Shots – Meeting in Progress


Typical screen layout of the device once the foreman has commenced the meeting. The meeting topic text is scrolled down by the foreman as he progresses through the text. Note at the bottom of the screen, the App is displaying how long the audio recording has been running for and also displays the buttons used to add a late arrival to the meeting and remove a person who leaves early. Late arrivals and those who leave early are recorded as such in the meeting report (ie: John Smith left early and was present until 7 minutes and 22 seconds, or, John Smith arrived late and was present until the end of the meeting from 4 minutes and 37 seconds).




This Screenshot shows the simple operation to add in a late arrival. Late arrivals are recorded in the meeting report as having arrived X minutes, Y seconds late.






This Screenshot shows the simple operation to remove an attendee who left early. Those who leave early are recorded in the meeting report as having left at X minutes, Y seconds into the meeting.





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