
Customisation Options.

We are here to help you – whilst the current version of the UIG Toolbox App has been designed to address the feedback from users in multiple industries, both large and small, there will always be the requirement for customisation. Customisation enquiries received to date have covered:

  • automatic data population of employee details (large organisations).
  • unique content (company specific).
  • ability to upload company generated toolbox talks which will only appear on the same company’s foremen’s devices.
  • ability to use ‘blank’ toolbox meetings for one-off unique content (this was raised in situations where, as an example, a foreman needs to brief employees on the correct operation of a new type confined space gas detector – in this instance, the foreman would input the necessary text, which in turn would be saved as the meeting discussion topic).
  • licensing and pricing for large organisations.

Whatever your customisation request, please contact us so that we can address your unique requirements.