Safety Meeting Compliance Made Easy.
The UIG Toolbox Meetings App – the easiest way to conduct and document your safety meetings. Currently used and compliant in every safety-conscious jurisdiction around the world.
If you are interested in gaining early access to the upcoming, new replacement system, please send your details via the Contact Us page.
Does your company conduct Toolbox Meetings?
Does your company document your Toolbox Meetings?
Does your company use an app that provides this comprehensive level of features and functions?
The UIG ToolBox Meetings App ensures compliance for management, foremen and attendees whilst eliminating the unecessary need for travel. It informs, educates and protects.
- No need for paperwork.
- No preparation required.
- Proof of attendance.
- Records audio of entire meeting, stores digital signatures of attendees, automatically determines meeting location, stores group photo of attendees, sends all attendees email confirmation of attendance, sends supervisors and managers full meeting report.
- Free to use (no licences, no subscription for standard version).
- Available now for Android and Apple smart phones and tablets.
Why the UIG Toolbox App is vitally important.
Historically, Toolbox Meetings have been used by organisations to identify, highlight, educate and clarify safety issues, safe work methods and other site related instructions whereby a supervisor or foreman communicates with a group of employees. Meetings are usually conducted at a work site (not a meeting room), usually once a week (best practice) and should not take any more than 15 minutes.
However, these meeting are normally documented using paper – which can, and often is, lost or destroyed. There are numerous toolbox meeting modules embedded within “site safety” type software packages whereby the the “paper” now appears on the screen in exactly the same format. There has to be a better way…
The UIG Toolbox App was designed in relation to numerous requests, being:
- We want a toolbox App that just does toolbox meetings.
- We don’t want to have to subscribe to expensive site safety software just to get the module we need.
- We want the App to be fully featured – we don’t want a simple electronic version of the paper system mated to a calendar for reminders – it needs to do more than that.
- It needs to be easy to use.
- It needs to be cost effective.
- It needs to work on the existing smart phone/tablet devices we currently have.
For these, and many other reasons, the UIG Toolbox App has been created. It does everything you need. Its free to use. Its available for both Apple and Android smart-phones and tablets. It aids compliance. It saves time. Its ready for download, now.
Read on to learn more….
Why toolbox meetings are vitally important.
Toolbox meetings help to ensure clear two way communication of important information between management and staff, generally in an informal yet effective manner at the work or construction site. Toolbox meetings should not only address a relevant site related safety or procedure topic, but should also include sufficient time for the discussion of current or expected site safety issues, hazards, and the rectification of previously raised issues/hazards as well as allowing time for attendees to ask questions and seek further clarification.
Organisations have a duty of care to ensure that these meetings take place on a regular basis, and, furthermore, that the meetings are actually conducted in an appropriate manner and thus serve their purpose to educate and enforce all aspects of safety, safe working and site awareness. Organisations need to ensure that their employees are receiving the right information in a suitable manner and that the supervisor or foreman who conducts the meeting is doing so to an expected standard. In addition, organisations need to be able to quickly prove to relevant authorities that the meetings are indeed taking place, the range of topics being covered and who has attended.
However, when the questions, from an authority, or quality assurance auditor, consist of:
- do you conduct toolbox meetings?
- how often do these toolbox meetings take place?
- who attends these meetings?
- who conducts these meetings?
- where do these meetings actually take place?
- what topics are covered?
The response is often one of “paper shuffling” whereby crumpled papers with smudged signatures are produced which in effect prove nothing more than smudged signatures were recorded on crumpled paper…..Using a paper based toolbox meeting methodology, organisations either cannot answer or cannot answer quickly more in-depth relevant questions such as:
- how often are topics repeated?
- how often have certain employees heard the same topic more than three times?
- which foremen are effective communicators?
- which foremen consistently have rushed or “very quick meetings”?
- are the foremen making sense to the employees?
- which employees are often late or leave early?
- how can you be sure an employee was actually at the meeting?
- how can you be sure that the meeting ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE AT ALL?
If you don’t know, you can’t answer.
In certain circumstances, being able to accurately and confidently answer questions such as these may be vital.
The paper based toolbox meeting methodology is ineffective, wasteful, non-productive and very much out of date. Time wasted in getting toolbox topic information from the office to the site and further time wasted in getting the signature of attendance sheet/s from the site back to the office assuming these pieces of paper are not lost or destroyed is ineffective and unnecessary.
Through the use of commonly available smart phones and tablets, an electronic version is now available that not only addresses these issues but assists in improving meeting effectiveness, reduces costs, aids compliance and provides management with proof, and therefore peace of mind, that these vitally important meetings are taking place in the manner expected.
The UIG Toolbox App is the cost efficient, effective answer to these and other Toolbox Meeting related issues.